What does the graphic show?
The graphic shows that the types of intellgence predominate in me and I like to be on my own and with a lot of people.
I love visual and spatial and the graphic also shows it.
I don’t agree with musical, because I don’t like it much.
About linguistic, I agree because I know a lot of things but maybe I don’t enough vocabulary.
Naturalistic and kinaesthetic I don’t agree with because I don’t know much about it, and I think that I know more things about linguistic.
Wich intelligence are predominant?
The intelligences wich are predominant are: interpersonal, intrapersonal, visual and musical.
Does it coincide with your present abilities?
I agree with the first three but I don’t agree with muscial because I don’t like it.
I think that visual shows my present abilities, and maybe interpersonal and intrapersonal too. But musical, isn’t one of my abilities. And the others I think that it’s true except for linguistic because I think that I know more about kinaesthetic and naturalistic.
What did you discover with the reading?
In READ MORE says: No Such URL at This Domain (types of intelligence).
In the wikipedia I learn about Howard Garner in 1983 as a model of intelligence that differentiates intelligence into various specific (primarily sensory) modalities, rather than seeing it as dominated by a single general ability. Gardner argues that there is a wide range of cognitive abilities. The theory has been met with mixed responses. Traditional intelligence (IQ) tests and psychometrics have generally found high correlations between different tasks and aspects of intelligence, rather than the low correlations which Gardner's theory predicts.
The studies that I would like in the future are: graphic artist, interior decorator, photographer.
How can you use this info to choose your future career?
Yes, because I love the visual concept.
How can you contribute to society with your career?
I think that I’ll take come studies of graphic artist so that I can contribute to the society, do real publicity, not false publicity. If I do interior decorator I’ll contribute to the society by decorating beautiful rooms. And if I do photographer I’ll contibuate to show the world the most incredible and successful things.