Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

dimecres, 18 de gener del 2012


One of my presents for Christmas is a new watch. The sign is Marea.
It’s almost white and its face is a very original image. The face of the watch is one image, which reminds and old TV, because it was the image when you turn on or turn off the old TV. It’s very amazing. 
It’s very exciting to find new things that you didn’t know their existence. I love go shopping!


One month ago, my cousin was born. She is very pretty.
I saw her for first time one afternoon when I left to school. And I saw again on Christmas Day.
The only problem is that my cousin and her parents are going to Canada, during unknown time. Because her husband has got a good job in there.
And now they need money. For this reason they are going to live in Canada. I wish that they come back early.
One advantage of my cousin, she can speak English perfectly well.


This summer I wish going to London. It’s the perfect place to improve my horrible English.
It’s a good experience and 5 people that I know were in London last summer, and they improved their English.
I don’t know very well, but I want to change it. I want to write perfect because English is a language very important for me and I would like to speak and write well.
For this reason I’m doing a lot MY WORLD, to see the mistakes and correct them.


I wasn’t lucky with my first phones.
They were card phones and I hate them. My friends and me were younger and we did silly things like We slam our phone, and it never broke.
In one month I had 4 phones, because the two firsts the charger broke. My third phone, one my friends broke it. And the last was a horrible phone. I changed to my father. 
After nine months, my mother decided to buy a good phone on contract. It was a Samsung Omnia. In this moment it was better than iPhone 3g. This phone was during two years. And my mother decided to buy a new one because Samsung phone was crazy.
And I bought iPhone 4. The perfection.
I have told  this story a lot of times. But never in English. It’s a bit difficult.



One sign that I love very much is APPLE. The perfect and fabulous APPLE. I can’t say anything bad. Their products are perfect. All of them.
I have got Mac Book Pro. I love it. It is the best computer in the world. Yesterday I downloaded OS X LION. The operative system improve. And it’s the perfection, but sometimes my computer is completely lost.
I have got iPhone 4. An incredible phone. It isn’t the best in the market but for me it is perfect. I want to see iPhone 5. Safely it will be perfect again. Apple is reinventing all the time. It is the best company that I know.
I have got two iPods, but they are very old, and my mother only uses them to go to the gym.
The death of Steve Jobs has been a horrible thing and the worst thing that happened in the company but, Apple will beat.


Forever free, is something which I think a lot.
Forever free. Forever free. Forever freee. I think that anyone is free, because when you were a child your parents rule on you. When you grow up, your teachers and principal rule on you. Your wife, your daughter, your son, your boss. 
There is always someone who rules in your life. It’s amazing.
We will never be free. Free means you can do anything. If you want when you want.
All people wish to be free, get up later every day, watch TV all day, relax all day. But if you want to be alive in your life you can’t do it because you have to eat, buy clothes. We live in a very materialist society. 
At the moment I think that the things material can be do happiness to people. But this isn’t be of this form. We can’t never be free because the money is our boss.
How can we arrive to this extreme?


When the lessons started, there is a thing that I love to do. It’s customize my ring binder. 
I happened one day stick cutting of magazines. It’s very exciting because you don’t know the final result. 
That day, in the morning I went to stationer’s in my little town. I bought three magazines of surf, fashion and other topics.
After I bought my ring binder and when I arrived at home, I cut a lot of things that could be  interesting for my ring binder.
I glued this cuttings in my ringbinder and I covered it. It’s very amusing. And the end of the day you can see your perfect ring binder. I think that it’s very original and it’s different than the others.


Last day, I found an animal. A beautiful animal. It was a cat who was abandoned.
My wish has always been having a pet, but my parents don’t give me a pet.
The cat was following me all the afternoon. It was very lovely.
But my parents didn’t want it. This cat lives next to my house. My neighbour found it, and they adopted the pet. Sometimes the cat comes to my home to visit me. He stays in front of the door and it miaows all the time. When it comes into my home, I give it some food, like milk or fish.
It is very affectionate, I don’t know how a person can abandon this valuable cat. It’s amazing! But I am happy for the cat, because him found a home.


My bedroom is my favourite place.
It’s a bit smile and in here there isn’t a desk, it is in other room. But after decoration I like it a lot.
My wardrobe occupies most of my bedroom. It’s too big.
There aren’t many spaces, only for my bed my wardrobe and one armchair. 
The armchair is in the perfect place. It’s next to the window and it’s red. I bought it in my favourite decoration shop called FLY.
I love my bedroom but I wish that it was bigger.


I’m waiting New Year with great illusion. I have new clothes and two places for dinner. And I haven’t chosen yet. Because I don’t know what I can do.
I can have dinner with my friend in Jordi’s house or I can have dinner in Corral, a good restaurant. I don’t know what I can do.
After dinner I will eat the grapes at half past one. We go to Centre Cívic, wherethere is a big party. This year is going to come a lot of peopl who study in Castelló d’Empúries. At five or six o’clock maybe I go home. The distance from my house to Centre Cívic is two minutes, for this reason I can leave when I want. It will be a perfect night.

dimarts, 17 de gener del 2012


When the year started all the people thought in their new year's resolutions. It's an important task.
My new year's resolutions are I would spent a lot of time with my friends because I spent my time working and studying.
I should focus on English. For me english it's my little big problem because I know a lot grammar, but I don't understand listenings and I do a lot of mistakes when I write in English.
This it isn't one new year's resolutions but it's like a wish. It's grow up and mesure 1'60, but I grow up more.
The Batxillerat, it's a thing that at the moment  I feel like nervous, because I will go a new high school and I will meet more people, but I don't know they think about me.
And the last one is will fall in love. One ambicious new year's resolution. But I don't meet THE PERSON, since.
 Ans there are my New Year's resolutions, the only bad thing is that you won't know the things that you do since on 31th of December in 2012. For me is the only bad thing.

 1. Spent more times with my friends
2. Know speak and write in english
3. Mesure 1'60 cm
4. Meet friends in a new high school
5. Fall in love

diumenge, 15 de gener del 2012


We made a site web for the project WHEN WE WERE YOUNG.
We found interesting do it because ypu can see all life of Magdalena Flores.
We divided in different parts like, events, childhood, teenageer, adult and nowadays.
We made a lot of questions, 55.

www.oldtimes.tk or http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15748744/Old_Times/feed.xml