Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

dimarts, 5 de juny del 2012


For me the best blog is: Laila's blog.
I think that it's too original and funny.
The photos are so cute and the content of publications are very interesting and original.
The blog is divided in three parts. In the first part there are writings, in the second and in the therd are movies.
In the right, there are more photos and sentences too originals and beautifuls.
I think that she hard very work to make this creative and good blog.
It's a good job!


My first publication in my blog was one called: LOVE.
It was very hard because I had a lot of ideas but I didn't know how write them.
I search a lot of vocabulary because there are so many words that I didn't know.
I wrote about Sex in the city and two of its charcters. 
For example Whitney Houston who with support of his boyfriend she pass her depression.
I have chosen writing about that because when I thought in Love I thought in the film, because the series and the two films talk about the research of love.
I love the photo which I had chosen, it's so cute!

dissabte, 2 de juny del 2012


Unwanted calls

Carles Buxedo from Cassà de la Selva wrote an opinion in the newspaper showing his unhappy sensation when he is disturbed by hundreds of phone calls offering their services of trying to sell him products of tasks. He thinks that there should be a system which regulates these phone calls and people should not be bothered when they are happily resting at home.


A baby was found in Sant Pere Pescador

Two weeks ago, a citizen from Sant Pere Pescador found a baby next to the rubbish containers. The baby boy was wearing a jacket and socks. The police and the ambulance came very  fast to the town. The baby boy was taken to hospital. He is in good health and soon will leave the hospital. Now the police is investigating the case and trying to find the mother who abandoned her son.


Catalan cava arrives at Japan

Our cava market groans and The Xamfrà Winery in Sant Sadurní d'Anoia set around 70% of its production to foreign countries. That means 150.000 bottles a year. The catalan market was getting sautéed six years ago and they decided to export their product abroad. Nowadays, lots of European contrys and Asian countries as well, consume lots of our products. As Dominguez (manager of Xamfrà) says "growth is possible but also that progress takes time".


Italy is a long peninsula. It's 8.000 kilometers from North to South. It has got a population of only 60 million inhabitants.
Rome and Milan are important cities, but Sicila and Sardenya are big islands. The capital of Italy is Rome.
People from Italy used to hunt, feed and dance in the past.
Sports are very popular in Italy. Football, basketball, volleyball, water polo and rugby are very popular winter sports.
Famous people from Italy are Cristofor Colom, Andre Doria and Giuseppe Mazzini, too.


My diet is energetic because I often eat vegetables, but I don't eat much fruit. but my diet sometimes is overweight because I eat a lot of fried chips. I eat a lot of proteins because I eat meat and fish. I think that I have to eat more fruit and fibre. I don't definitely eat fast food because it isn't healthy and it makes you become fatter. I drink milk every day . I should include more dairy products in my diet. For example I could eat more yoghurt than I do.
I don't eat much sugar. I prefer honey instead.