Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

divendres, 1 de juny del 2012


My favourite series is Gossip Girl. The series talks about the Manhattan’s elit. The most important character is Serena, she is my favourite character. At the beginning of the series she was very crazy but she met Dan Humphrey and they fell in love. But in the second season her broke up sadly. Blair is a chic girl and she is the queen of Costance, her collage. Her best friend is Serena and her boyfriend is Nate. Nate’s father is in the prison because they gave money to other people. There is Chuck Bass. 
Chuck Bass and Nate in the first season were angy because Blair lost her virginity with Chuck when Blair was in a relation ship with Nate.
Her father died and he is very rich. Serena’s mother and Dan’s father were in love when they were young and now they are in a relation ship.
And a mysteriuos character: Gossip Girl. It’s an interesting series.

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